Router Component
- Component Options
- Component Context
- Component Page Events
- DOM Events Handling
- Component Root Element
- Single File Component
- Virtual DOM
- Main App Component
- Component Class
- Component Mixins
- Custom Components
Router Component is a special type of content that can be loaded by Router when we specify route content using component
or componentUrl
It should help to better structure our apps, keep things in appropriate place, and make many things quicker and in a more clear and comfortable way.
Component Options
If you know what is Vue component, then it will be much easier to understand as it looks pretty similar. Router Component is basically an object with the following properties (all properties are optional):
Property | Type | Description |
mixins | array | Array with component mixins |
template | string | Template7 template string. Will be compiled as Template7 template |
render | function | Render function to render component. Must return full html string or HTMLElement |
data | function | Component data, function must return component context data or Promise that will be resolved with context data. For example:
Returning Promise:
Or same as
style | string | Component CSS styles. Styles will be added to the document after component will be mounted (added to DOM), and removed after component will be destroyed (removed from the DOM) |
methods | object | Object with additional component methods which extend component context |
on | object | Object with page events handlers |
Lifecycle Hooks | ||
beforeCreate | function | Called synchronously immediately after the component has been initialized, before data and event/watcher setup. |
created | function | Called synchronously after the component is created, context data and methods are available and component element $el is also created and available |
beforeMount | function | Called right before component will be added to DOM |
mounted | function | Called right after component was be added to DOM |
updated | function | Called right after component VDOM has been patched |
beforeDestroy | function | Called right before component will be destoyed |
destroyed | function | Called when component destroyed |
All lifecycle hooks and methods automatically have their this
context bound to the component context, so that you can access component data and methods. This means you should not use an arrow function to define a lifecycle method (e.g. created: () => this.doSomething()
). The reason is arrow functions bind the parent context, so this
will not be the component instance as you expect and this.doSomething
will be undefined.
So the example route with page component may look like:
routes = [
// ...
path: '/some-page/',
// Component Object
component: {
template: `
<div class="page">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-bg"></div>
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="page-content">
<a @click="openAlert" class="red-link">Open Alert</a>
<div class="list simple-list">
{{#each names}}
style: `
.red-link {
color: red;
data: function () {
return {
title: 'Component Page',
names: ['John', 'Vladimir', 'Timo'],
methods: {
openAlert: function () {
var self = this;
self.$app.dialog.alert('Hello world!');
on: {
pageInit: function (e, page) {
// do something on page init
pageAfterOut: function (e, page) {
// page has left the view
// ...
Component Context
As we said above, all component methods and Template7 compiler are executed in the context of the component.
Component context is the object you have returned in component's data
and methods from specified methods
object, but also extended with the following useful properties:
Property | Desctiption |
$el | Dom7 instance with component HTML element
$ $$ $dom7 | Dom7 library:
$app $f7 | Framework7 app instance
$root | If you use Main App Component then it refers to its instance. Otherwise, it refers to root data and methods you have specified in
$route $f7route | Current route. Contains object with route query , hash , params , path and url |
$router $f7router | Related router instance
$id | Component id, used as scoped styles id |
$theme | Object with
$props | Object with properties passed to custom component as attributes. If custom component has such attributes:
$slots | Used to programmatically access content distributed by slots. Each named slot has its own corresponding property (e.g. the contents of |
$setState(mergeState, callback) | Component method enqueues changes to the component state and tells that this component and its children need to be re-rendered with the updated state (passed as Think of If you rely on DOM (e.g. need to get HTML content or attribute values after state changed) then pass
Such mechanism is similar to React's approach and its Note, that direct assignment to component state won't trigger layout update. If we use |
$update(callback) | This method can be used instead of
Same as with |
$tick(callback) | You can also use this method if you rely on DOM and need to be sure that component state and DOM updated after calling Passed callback will be executed on DOM update. This method returns Promise that will also be resolved on DOM update. So you can use it as this:
$f7ready(callback) | This method need to be used only when you use Main App Component to make sure to call Framework7 APIs when app initialized.
Component Page Events
Component page events handlers can be passed in on
component property. They are usual DOM Page Events. Because they are DOM events, they accept event
as first agrument, and Page Data as second argument. There only difference with usual DOM events is that their context (this
) bound to component context and event handler name must be specified in camelCase format (page:init
-> pageInit
data: function () {
return {
username: 'johndoe',
on: {
pageMounted: function (e, page) {
console.log('page mounted');
pageInit: function (e, page) {
console.log(this.username); // -> 'johndoe'
pageBeforeIn: function (e, page) {
console.log('page before in');
pageAfterIn: function (e, page) {
console.log('page after in');
pageBeforeOut: function (e, page) {
console.log('page before out');
pageAfterOut: function (e, page) {
console.log('page after out');
pageBeforeUnmount: function (e, page) {
console.log('page before unmount');
pageBeforeRemove: function (e, page) {
console.log('page before remove');
DOM Events Handling
Note that additional @
attribute in component template. It is a shorthand method to assign event listener to the specified element. Specified event handler will be searched in component methods
Such event handlers are processed only on initial rendering, or for elements patched with VDOM. If you add such element to DOM manually it won't work!
// ...
methods: {
onClick: function() {
// ...
on: {
pageInit: function (page) {
// this won't work
page.$el.append('<a @click="onClick">Link</a>');
Component Root Element
Component template or render function must return only single HTML element. And it must be an element that is supported by router:
If you load pages as router component then router component must return Page element:
<template> <div class="page"> ... </div> </template>
If you load modal (Routable Modals) as router component then router component must return that modal element:
<template> <div class="popup"> ... </div> </template>
If you load panel (Routable Panels) as router component then router component must return Panel element:
<template> <div class="panel panel-left panel-cover"> ... </div> </template>
If you load tab content (Routable Tabs) as router component then router component must return Tab's child element that will be inserted inside of routable Tab:
<template> <div class="some-element"> ... </div> </template>
Single File Component
It is not very comfortable to specify all component routes under same routes array, especially if we have a lot of such routes. This is why we can use componentUrl
instead and out component into single file:
routes = [
path: '/some-page/',
componentUrl: './some-page.html',
And in some-page.html
<!-- component template -->
<div class="page">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-bg"></div>
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="page-content">
<a @click="openAlert">Open Alert</a>
<div class="list simple-list">
{{#each names}}
<!-- component styles -->
.red-link {
color: red;
<!-- rest of component data and methods -->
// script must return component object
return {
data: function () {
return {
title: 'Component Page',
names: ['John', 'Vladimir', 'Timo'],
methods: {
openAlert: function () {
var self = this.$app.dialog.alert('Hello world!');
on: {
pageInit: function () {
// do something on page init
pageAfterOut: function () {
// page has left the view
Well, now it is much cleaner. The <template>
and <style>
tags will be automatically converted to the same properties of exported component.
You may think that it is not valid to have a direct return
statement in script, but it is ok because parser puts the content of the script tag into function body.
ES Template Literals
The feature available from Framework7 version 3.1.0.
When we use single file component, the everything what is under <template>
tag is compiled as Template7 template. In some situations it may bring more complexity, if you need to do a lot of complex checks and modifications right in the template. With Template7 you may need to register a bunch of helpers.
So single file component template can be treated as native JavaScript Template literal.
Template literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions. You can use multi-line strings and string interpolation features with them. They were called "template strings" in prior editions of the ES2015 specification.
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
console.log(`Fifteen is ${a + b} and not ${2 * a + b}.`);
To enable your component template being treated as template literal we need to add es
attribute to <template>
tag. The template from previous example will look like:
<template es>
<div class="page">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-bg"></div>
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="title">${this.title}</div>
<div class="page-content">
<a @click="openAlert">Open Alert</a>
<div class="list simple-list">
${ => `
Scoped Styles
In case you want to scope component styles in single file component to this component only, you may add scoped
attribute to component <style>
<!-- component template -->
<!-- style has additional "scoped" attribute -->
<style scoped>
p {
color: red;
a {
text-decoration: none;
return {
When scoped style added component element will have additional data-f7-[unique_id]
where [unique_id] is the unique timestamp. And all styles will be refactored to have this unique scope id, for example:
[data-f7-3454d941c3] p {
color: red;
[data-f7-3454d941c3] a {
text-decoration: none;
In case you need to use more complex selector with including component parent reference, then you may use {{this}}
keword to reference the component:
<!-- component template -->
<!-- style has additional "scoped" attribute -->
<style scoped>
/* all paragraphs in this component will be red under iOS theme */
html.ios {{this}} p {
color: red;
/* all paragraphs in this component will be green under MD theme */ {{this}} p {
color: green;
return {
Usage With Webpack
There is a special framework7-component-loader for Webpack that allows to bundle Single-File Components into main bundle and not to use XHR (e.g. componentUrl
) to load and parse component files each time.
This loader parses Single-File component's file and transforms it to plain JS object during bundling process. So, potentially, it can increase app performance because there won't be runtime parsing and compilation.
When this loader is configured, we need to store Single-File components in .f7.html
files and use export default
for component export:
<div class="page">
export default {
data() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
methods: {
doThis() {
// ...
It also possible to import required dependencies and styles:
<div class="page">
import './path/to/some-styles.css';
import utils from './path/to/utils.js';
export default {
data() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
methods: {
doThis() {
// ...
And then we can import it and add to routes:
// routes.js
import NewsPage from './path/to/news.f7.html';
import ServicesPage from './path/to/services.f7.html';
export default [
path: '/news/',
component: NewsPage,
path: '/services/',
component: ServicesPage,
Virtual DOM
Virtual DOM and all VDOM related features available from Framework7 version 3.1.0.
The virtual DOM (VDOM) is a programming concept where an ideal, or "virtual", representation of a UI is kept in memory and synced with the "real" DOM. It allows us to express our application's view as a function of its state.
VDOM library called Snabbdom because it is extremely lightweight, fast and fits great for Framework7 environment.
So how does Framework7 router component VDOM rendering works? Component template is converted to VDOM instead of directly inserting to DOM. Later, when component state changes, it creates new VDOM and compares it with previous VDOM. And based on that diff it patches real DOM by changing only elements and attributes that need to be changed. And all this happens automatically!
Let's look at that user profile component example that will auto update layout when we request user data:
<div class="page">
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-bg"></div>
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="title">Profile</div>
<div class="page-content">
{{#if user}}
<!-- Show user list when it is loaded -->
<div class="list simple-list">
<li>First Name: {{user.firstName}}</li>
<li>Last Name: {{user.lastName}}</li>
<li>Age: {{user.age}}</li>
<!-- Otherwise show preloader -->
<div class="block block-strong text-align-center">
<div class="preloader"></div>
return {
data: function () {
return {
// empty initial user data
user: null,
on: {
pageInit: function () {
var self = this;
var app = self.$app;
// request user data on page init
app.request.get('', (user) => {
// update component state with new state
user: user,
Note, that direct assignment to component state won't trigger layout update. And if we in previous example used this.user = user
it wouldn't be updated. Use $setState
whenever you need to update component layout!
Keys in Lists & Auto-Init Components
When VDOM is updating a list of elements, by default it uses an "in-place patch" strategy. If the order of the data items has changed, instead of moving the DOM elements to match the order of the items, it will patch each element in-place and make sure it reflects what should be rendered at that particular index.
This default mode is efficient, but only suitable when your render output does not rely on child component state or temporary DOM state (e.g. form input values).
To give VDOM a hint so that it can track each node's identity, and thus reuse and reorder existing elements, you need to provide a unique key
attribute for each item.
When rendering lists, an ideal value for key
would be the unique id of each item:
{{#each items}}
<li key="{{}}">...</li>
return {
data: function () {
return {
items: [
id: 1,
title: 'Item A'
id: 2,
title: 'Item B'
Same with auto-initialized components like Range Slider, Gauge and others that should be automatically initialized (if they have range-slider-init
, gauge-init
) when they added to DOM, and automatically destroyed when they removed from DOM. So such elements must be also indentified with unique keys.
<div class="page">
<div class="page-content">
{{#if gaugeVisible}}
<!-- must have unique key -->
<div key="gauge" class="gauge gauge-init" data-type="circle"
<a href="#" class="button" @click="showGauge">Show Gauge</a>
return {
data: function () {
return {
gaugeVisible: false,
methods: {
showGauge: function () {
gaugeVisible: true
- Note that
attribute must be unique accross single component. - If
attribute was not specified and element has anid
attribute, thenid
attribute will be used as virtual node unique key.
Main App Component
Since Framework7 version 5.3.0 it is possible to make whole app layout as a component.
Note that due to VDOM implementation it is highly recommended to add unique id
or key
attribute to every auto initialized View (View with view-init
To enable it, first, we should keep app root element empty in index.html
<!-- empty app root element -->
<div id="app"></div>
Then we need to create main app component, for example, Single File Component using webpack:
<!-- app.f7.html -->
<div id="app">
{{#if loggedIn}}
<div class="panel panel-left panel-reveal panel-init">
<!-- every View has unique ID attribute -->
<div class="view view-init" id="view-panel" data-url="/panel/"></div>
<div class="view view-main view-init" id="view-main" data-url="/"></div>
<div class="login-screen modal-in">
<div class="view view-init" id="view-auth" data-url="/auth/"></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
loggedIn: false,
methods: {
login() {
this.$setState({ loggedIn: true });
logout() {
this.$setState({ loggedIn: false });
Finally, when we init Framework7, we need to specify app component on init:
// import main app component
import App from './path/to/app.f7.html';
var app = new Framework7({
// specify main app component
component: App,
Or, if we don't use webpack, we can also load it via XHR:
var app = new Framework7({
// load main app component
componentUrl: './path/to/app.f7.html',
Now, if we need to call main app component methods or change its data, we can reference its instance via app.rootComponent
. And from other components it is available as this.$root
For example, to call login()
method of main app component in the example above from other page component, we can just call this.$root.login()
If you need to update Root component state from other component, do it in this way:
// update value
this.$root.firstName = 'Vladimir';
// call $update on root component
this.$root.$setState({ firstName: 'Vladimir' })
In this case it will auto update all components that depend on $root
state automatically.
Also note that main app component will be mounted (added to DOM) BEFORE app initialization process finished. So if you need to call Framework7 APIs immediately, use $f7ready
<div id="app">
export default {
data() {
methods: {
mounted() {
this.$f7ready(() => {
// now it is safe to call Framework7 APIs
Component Class
In addition to Object with properties syntax, there is a Class-based syntax available for components. It is designed to be used in single-file components with webpack with better TypeScript support.
In class-based component:
- all component
and all lifecycle hooks should be declared as class prototype members. - component methods should be declared as class members as well.
- all DOM events handlers (e.g.
) must be bound to component context.
If we use it with webpack single file components, the syntax is the following:
<div class="page">
<a @click="onClick">Link</a>
// first we import super class
import { Component } from 'framework7';
// we need to export extended class
export default class extends Component {
// data
data() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
// hooks
beforeCreate() {
// Bind event handlers to component context
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this);
mounted() {
// call method
beforeDestroy() {
// methods
onClick() {
doSomething() {
If you want to use such syntax in usual single file components (loaded with componentUrl
), then syntax will be the following:
<div class="page">
<a @click="onClick">Link</a>
return class extends Framework7.Component {
// ...
Component Mixins
Mixins are a flexible way to distribute reusable functionalities for components. A mixin object can contain any component options. When a component uses a mixin, all options in the mixin will be "mixed" into the component’s own options.
Amount of component mixins is not limited.
Mixins should be passed in component's mixins
var myMixin = {
data: function() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
mounted: function() {
var component = {
// pass mixins
mixins: [myMixin],
data: function () {
// component already have foo: 'bar' in data
return {
john: 'doe',
// component already have mounted hook inherited from mixin
// in addition we can add one more mounted hook
mounted: function () {
console.log('component mounted')
When we use single file components with webpack, we can keep mixins in separate files:
// mixin.js
export default {
data: function() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
mounted: function() {
// page-component.f7.html
import myMixin from './mixins.js';
export default {
// pass mixins
mixins: [myMixin],
data: function () {
return {
john: 'doe',
mounted: function () {
console.log('component mounted')
We can also register global mixins. We need to do it BEFORE Framework7 initialization with the following method:
Framework7.registerComponentMixin(mixinName, mixin)- register global mixin
- mixinName - string. Global mixin name, for example
- mixin - object. Mixin object (with component properties)
For example:
Framework7.registerComponentMixin('my-mixin', {
data: function() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
And then in any component we can just pass such mixin by its name:
// specify global mixin name
mixins: ['my-mixin'],
data: function () {
return {
john: 'doe'
When we use class-based syntax we can specify mixins as Class static property:
var myMixin = {
data: function() {
return {
foo: 'bar',
class MyComponent extends Framework7.Component {
MyComponent.mixins = [myMixin];
Custom Components
It is possible to create custom reusable components. We need to do it BEFORE Framework7 initialization with the following method:
Framework7.registerComponent(tagName, component)- register custom component
- tagName - string. Component tag name, e.g.
(will be used as<my-component>
).Custom component tag name must contain a hyphen/dash character "
" - component - object or class. Component options object or component class
Note, at the moment, it is possible to use custom components only in router components (components loaded by router).
Framework7.registerComponent('my-list-item', {
data() {
return { foo: 'bar' }
template: `
<li class="item-content" id="{{$}}">...</li>
And use it in other components like:
<div class="list">
<my-list-item id="item-1"></my-list-item>
Note, that attributes passed to custom component element available in component $props
Custom components in strict HTML structure require a small workaround. For example, if you have a custom component that returns a table row:
Framework7.registerComponent('my-table-row', {
// ...
template: `
<td>Cell 1</td>
<td>Cell 2</td>
// ...
And if you use it directly in table
(or tbody
) it will produce a not valid HTML layout:
To workaround such case, we just need usual <tr>
element with component
<tr component="my-table-row"></tr>
You can assign DOM events for custom component in templates with same @{event}
syntax. Event handler will be actually attached to custom component root element.
<div class="page">
<my-button @click="onClick">Click Me</my-button>
return {
// ...
methods: {
onClick: function(e) {
// ...
If we need to pass children elements (or text) to custom component we need to use slots. Slots implementation here is totally the same as in Web Components or Vue.js
With slot
tag we specify where component children should be placed. For example my-button
component template:
<a class="button button-fill">
Can be used then like this:
<my-button>Click Me</my-button>
To specify slot default value (when no children passed), we just put it inside <slot>
<a class="button button-fill">
<slot>Default Button Text</slot>
To distribute elements across component layout, we can use named slots. For example, template of my-container
<div class="container">
<slot name="header"></slot>
<slot name="footer"></slot>
And we can use it like following:
<h1 slot="header">Title</h1>
<p>Text for main content.</p>
<p>More text for main content.</p>
<p slot="footer">Footer content</p>
And component result output will be:
<div class="container">
<p>Text for main content.</p>
<p>More text for main content.</p>
<p>Footer content</p>
If we need to check in template if there are required slot children passed, we can check components' $slots
<div class="container">
{{#if $slots.header}}
<slot name="header"></slot>
<!-- slots without name are called "default" -->
{{#if $slots.default}}
{{#if $slots.footer}}
<slot name="footer"></slot>