Toolbar React Component

    Toolbar is a fixed (with Fixed and Through layout types) area at the bottom of a screen that contains navigation elements. Toolbar does not have any parts, just plain links inside

    Toolbar React component represents Toolbar component.

    Toolbar Components

    There are following components included:

    • Toolbar / F7Toolbar

    Toolbar Properties

    <Toolbar> properties
    innerbooleantrueWhen enabled (by default), it will put all the content within internal toolbarInner element. Disable it only in case you want to put totally custom layout inside
    positionstringToolbar position, can be top or bottom
    topbooleanTop positioned toolbar. Shortening for position="top"
    topIosbooleanTop positioned toolbar only for iOS theme
    topMdbooleanTop positioned toolbar only for MD theme
    topAurorabooleanTop positioned toolbar only for Aurora theme
    bottombooleanBottom positioned toolbar. Shortening for position="bottom"
    bottomIosbooleanBottom positioned toolbar only for iOS theme
    bottomMdbooleanBottom positioned toolbar only for MD theme
    bottomAurorabooleanBottom positioned toolbar only for Aurora theme
    tabbarbooleanfalseDefines whether the Toolbar is also a Tabbar or not
    labelsbooleanfalseEnables Tabbar with labels (affects only when tabbar: true)
    scrollablebooleanfalseEnables scrollable Tabbar (affects only when tabbar: true)
    noShadowbooleanDisable shadow rendering for Material theme
    noHairlinebooleanfalseDisable toolbar/tabbar top thin border (hairline) for iOS theme
    hiddenbooleanfalseMakes toolbar hidden

    Toolbar Methods

    <Toolbar> methods
    .hide(animate)Hide toolbar
    .show(animate)Show toolbar

    Toolbar Events

    <Toolbar> events
    toolbarHideEvent will be triggered when Toolbar becomes hidden
    toolbarShowEvent will be triggered when Toolbar becomes visible

    Toolbar Slots

    Toolbar React component (<Toolbar>) has additional slots for custom elements:

    • default - element will be inserted as a child of <div class="toolbarInner"> element
    • beforeInner - element will be inserted right before <div class="toolbarInner"> element
    • afterInner - element will be inserted right after <div class="toolbarInner"> element
      <div slot="beforeInner">Before Inner</div>
      <div slot="afterInner">After Inner</div>
      {/* Goes to default slot: */}
      <Link>Left Link</Link>
      <Link>Right Link</Link>
    {/* Renders to: */}
    <div class="toolbar">
      <div>Before Inner</div>
      <div class="toolbarInner">
        <a href="#" class="link">Left Link</a>
        <a href="#" class="link">Right Link</a>
      <div>After Inner</div>



    export default class extends React.Component{
      constructor() {
        this.state = {
          isBottom: true,
      render() {
        return (
            <Navbar title="Toolbar" backLink="Back"></Navbar>
            <Toolbar position={this.state.isBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top'}>
              <Link>Left Link</Link>
              <Link>Right Link</Link>
            <BlockTitle>Toolbar Position</BlockTitle>
              <p>Toolbar supports both top and bottom positions. Click the following button to change its position.</p>
                <Button raised onClick={() => this.setState({isBottom: !this.state.isBottom})}>Toggle Toolbar Position</Button>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam enim quia molestiae facilis laudantium voluptates obcaecati officia cum, sit libero commodi...</p>


    export default class extends React.Component{
      constructor() {
        this.state = {
          isBottom: true,
      render() {
        return (
          <Page pageContent={false}>
            <Navbar title="Tabbar" backLink="Back">
                <Link iconIos="f7:arrow_up_arrow_down_circle_fill" iconAurora="f7:arrow_up_arrow_down_circle_fill" iconMd="material:compare_arrows" onClick={() => this.setState({isBottom: !this.state.isBottom})}></Link>
            <Toolbar tabbar position={this.state.isBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top'}>
              <Link tabLink="#tab-1" tabLinkActive>Tab 1</Link>
              <Link tabLink="#tab-2">Tab 2</Link>
              <Link tabLink="#tab-3">Tab 3</Link>
              <Tab id="tab-1" className="page-content" tabActive>
                  <p>Tab 1 content</p>
              <Tab id="tab-2" className="page-content">
                  <p>Tab 2 content</p>
              <Tab id="tab-3" className="page-content">
                  <p>Tab 3 content</p>

    Tabbar Labels

    export default class extends React.Component{
      constructor() {
        this.state = {
          isBottom: true,
      render() {
        return (
          <Page pageContent={false}>
            <Navbar title="Tabbar Labels" backLink="Back">
                <Link iconIos="f7:arrow_up_arrow_down_circle_fill" iconAurora="f7:arrow_up_arrow_down_circle_fill" iconMd="material:compare_arrows" onClick={() => this.setState({isBottom: !this.state.isBottom})}></Link>
            <Toolbar tabbar labels position={this.state.isBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top'}>
              <Link tabLink="#tab-1" tabLinkActive text="Tab 1" iconIos="f7:envelope_fill" iconAurora="f7:envelope_fill" iconMd="material:email"></Link>
              <Link tabLink="#tab-2" text="Tab 2" iconIos="f7:calendar_fill" iconAurora="f7:calendar_fill" iconMd="material:today"></Link>
              <Link tabLink="#tab-3" text="Tab 3" iconIos="f7:cloud_upload_fill" iconAurora="f7:cloud_upload_fill" iconMd="material:file_upload"></Link>
              <Tab id="tab-1" className="page-content" tabActive>
                  <p>Tab 1 content</p>
              <Tab id="tab-2" className="page-content">
                  <p>Tab 2 content</p>
              <Tab id="tab-3" className="page-content">
                  <p>Tab 3 content</p>

    Tabbar Scrollable

    export default class extends React.Component{
      constructor() {
        this.state = {
          isBottom: true,
      render() {
        const tabs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
        return (
          <Page pageContent={false}>
            <Navbar title="Tabbar Scrollable" backLink="Back">
                <Link iconIos="f7:arrow_up_arrow_down_circle_fill" iconAurora="f7:arrow_up_arrow_down_circle_fill" iconMd="material:compare_arrows" onClick={() => this.setState({isBottom: !this.state.isBottom})}></Link>
            <Toolbar tabbar scrollable position={this.state.isBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top'}>
              {, index) => (
                  tabLinkActive={index === 0}
                >Tab {tab}</Link>
              {, index) => (
                  tabActive={index === 0}
                    <p><b>Tab {tab} content</b></p>

    Hide Toolbar On Scroll

    export default () => (
      <Page hideToolbarOnScroll>
        <Navbar title="Hide Toolbar On Scroll" backLink="Back"></Navbar>
        <Toolbar bottom-md>
          <Link>Left Link</Link>
          <Link>Right Link</Link>
        <Block strong>
          <p>Toolbar will be hidden if you scroll bottom</p>
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quos maxime incidunt id ab culpa ipsa omnis eos, vel excepturi officiis neque illum perferendis dolorum magnam rerum natus dolore nulla ex.</p>