Card Vue Component

Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information. Cards contains unique related data, for example, a photo, text, and link all about a single subject. Cards are typically an entry point to more complex and detailed information.

Card Vue component represents Cards component.

Card Components

There are following components included:

  • f7-card
  • f7-card-header
  • f7-card-content
  • f7-card-footer

Card Properties

<f7-card> properties
titlestringCard header content
contentstringCard content
footerstringCard footer content
paddingbooleantrueAdds additional inner padding on card content
outlinebooleanfalseMakes Card outline
no-shadowbooleanfalseDisables card shadow
no-borderbooleanfalseDisables card border (for outline cards)
expandablebooleanfalseEnables expandable card
expandable-animate-widthbooleanfalseEnables card content width also animatable and responsive, but can affect performance
expandable-openedbooleanfalseBoolean property indicating whether the expandable card opened or not
animatebooleantrueSpecifies to open expandable card with animation or not
hide-navbar-on-openbooleanWill hide Navbar on expandable card open. By default inherits same app card parameter.
hide-toolbar-on-openbooleanWill hide Toolbar on expandable card open. By default inherits same app card parameter.
swipe-to-closebooleanAllows to close expandable card with swipe. By default inherits same app card parameter.
backdropbooleanEnables expandable card backdrop layer. By default inherits same app card parameter.
backdrop-elstringAllows to specify custom expandable card backdrop element. This should be a CSS selector of backdrop element, e.g. .card-backdrop.custom-backdrop
close-by-backdrop-clickbooleanWhen enabled, expandable card will be closed on its backdrop click. By default inherits same app card parameter.
<f7-card-content> properties
paddingbooleantrueAdds additional inner padding

Card Events

<f7-card> events
card:beforeopenEvent will be triggered right before expandable card starts its opening animation. event.detail.prevent contains function that will prevent card from opening when called
card:openEvent will be triggered when expandable card starts its opening animation
card:openedEvent will be triggered after expandable card completes its opening animation
card:closeEvent will be triggered when expandable card starts its closing animation
card:closedEvent will be triggered after expandable card completes its closing animation


<f7-block-title>Simple Cards</f7-block-title>
  content="This is a simple card with plain text, but cards can also contain their own header, footer, list view, image, or any other element."
  title="Card header"
  content="Card with header and footer. Card headers are used to display card titles and footers for additional information or just for custom actions."
  footer="Card footer"
  content="Another card. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat sem est, non tincidunt ligula volutpat sit amet. Mauris aliquet magna justo. "

<f7-block-title>Outline Cards</f7-block-title>
  content="This is a simple card with plain text, but cards can also contain their own header, footer, list view, image, or any other element."
  title="Card header"
  content="Card with header and footer. Card headers are used to display card titles and footers for additional information or just for custom actions."
  footer="Card footer"
  content="Another card. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat sem est, non tincidunt ligula volutpat sit amet. Mauris aliquet magna justo. "

<f7-block-title>Styled Cards</f7-block-title>
<f7-card class="demo-card-header-pic">
  >Journey To Mountains</f7-card-header>
    <p class="date">Posted on January 21, 2015</p>
    <p>Quisque eget vestibulum nulla. Quisque quis dui quis ex ultricies efficitur vitae non felis. Phasellus quis nibh hendrerit...</p>
    <f7-link>Read more</f7-link>
<f7-card class="demo-card-header-pic">
  >Journey To Mountains</f7-card-header>
    <p class="date">Posted on January 21, 2015</p>
    <p>Quisque eget vestibulum nulla. Quisque quis dui quis ex ultricies efficitur vitae non felis. Phasellus quis nibh hendrerit...</p>
    <f7-link>Read more</f7-link>

<f7-block-title>Facebook Cards</f7-block-title>
<f7-card class="demo-facebook-card">
  <f7-card-header class="no-border">
    <div class="demo-facebook-avatar"><img src="" width="34" height="34"/></div>
    <div class="demo-facebook-name">John Doe</div>
    <div class="demo-facebook-date">Monday at 3:47 PM</div>
  <f7-card-content :padding="false">
    <img src="" width="100%"/>
  <f7-card-footer class="no-border">
<f7-card class="demo-facebook-card">
  <f7-card-header class="no-border">
    <div class="demo-facebook-avatar"><img src="" width="34" height="34"/></div>
    <div class="demo-facebook-name">John Doe</div>
    <div class="demo-facebook-date">Monday at 2:15 PM</div>
    <p>What a nice photo i took yesterday!</p><img src="" width="100%"/>
    <p class="likes">Likes: 112 &nbsp;&nbsp; Comments: 43</p>
  <f7-card-footer class="no-border">

<f7-block-title>Cards With List View</f7-block-title>
  <f7-card-content :padding="false">
      <f7-list-item link="#">Link 1</f7-list-item>
      <f7-list-item link="#">Link 2</f7-list-item>
      <f7-list-item link="#">Link 3</f7-list-item>
      <f7-list-item link="#">Link 4</f7-list-item>
      <f7-list-item link="#">Link 5</f7-list-item>
<f7-card title="New Releases:">
  <f7-card-content :padding="false">
    <f7-list medial-list>
        title="Yellow Submarine"
        <img slot="media" src="" width="44"/>
        title="Don't Stop Me Now"
        <img slot="media" src="" width="44"/>
        title="Billie Jean"
        subtitle="Michael Jackson"
        <img slot="media" src="" width="44"/>
    <span>January 20, 2015</span>
    <span>5 comments</span>

<f7-block-title>Expandable Cards</f7-block-title>
<f7-card expandable>
  <f7-card-content :padding="false">
    <div class="bg-color-red" :style="{height: '300px'}">
      <f7-card-header text-color="white" class="display-block">
        <br />
        <small :style="{opacity: 0.7}">Build Mobile Apps</small>
      <f7-link card-close color="white" class="card-opened-fade-in" :style="{position: 'absolute', right: '15px', top: '15px'}" icon-f7="xmark_circle_fill"></f7-link>
    <div class="card-content-padding">
      <p>Framework7 - is a free and open source HTML mobile framework to develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps with iOS or Android (Material) native look and feel...</p>

<f7-card expandable>
  <f7-card-content :padding="false">
    <div class="bg-color-yellow" :style="{height: '300px'}">
      <f7-card-header text-color="black" class="display-block">
        <small :style="{opacity: 0.7}">Build Mobile Apps</small>
      <f7-link card-close color="black" class="card-opened-fade-in" :style="{position: 'absolute', right: '15px', top: '15px'}" icon-f7="xmark_circle_fill"></f7-link>
    <div class="card-content-padding">
      <p>Framework7 - is a free and open source HTML mobile framework to develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps with iOS or Android (Material) native look and feel...</p>